Sustaining Email Engagement

It's not uncommon for businesses to have a portion of their email list that seems unengaged. Some even report unengagement rates over 40%!

While disengaged subscribers can be disheartening, it's essential not to write them off completely. Sustaining email engagement is a crucial aspect of any successful email marketing strategy, as it directly impacts conversion rates and customer retention.

To revitalize the unengaged portion of your email list, marketers must be proactive and reactive.

Practice Hygiene Regularly

A simple first step to ensuring email engagement is to regularly have your file go through the hygiene process. Just like you clean your house regularly to keep it spick and span, your data needs some TLC too!

“Without proper data hygiene, businesses risk wasting valuable resources on outdated or incorrect information, leading to misguided targeting and ineffective communication with customers.” - Andrews Wharton

Regular data hygiene is like a breath of fresh air for your business. It helps you make better decisions, improves customer satisfaction, and keeps your databases happy and healthy. Plus, it prevents those cringe-worthy awkward moments when you send emails or promotional materials to the wrong people or outdated addresses. We've all been there, and it's not fun!
Lucky for you, we know the perfect hygiene partner for you to handle all the verification and validation for you.

Monitor Current Engagement Metrics to Help Future Mailings

Valuable insights don’t always require an immense dollar spend. You can go in and analyze key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, to identify what’s working and what’s not for your customers.

Low open rates? The subject line might not be the most effective.

Low click rates? Your CTA may not be clear enough to drive engagement.

Armed with this information, marketers can make data-driven decisions to optimize their future email campaigns, ultimately leading to increased customer engagement, improved conversions, and a stronger return on investment.

Segment Your Audience for Relevance and Optimal Engagement

Odds are, your audience is composed of individuals who are unique in their own ways. Each of your customers will establish a distinct connection with your product or service, shaped by their behaviors, interests, and demographics.

“Whether it's sending exclusive promotions to frequent buyers, product recommendations based on past purchases, or targeting specific age groups with relevant content, segmentation ensures that recipients receive emails that are individually relevant and compelling.” - Andrews Wharton

By tailoring your emails to specific segments, you not only improve open and click-through rates but also foster a deeper connection with your subscribers, leading to stronger customer relationships and ultimately, improved conversion rates.


Consistency is the foundation upon which successful email marketing campaigns are built. It establishes your brand's identity, strengthens customer relationships, and maximizes conversions.

“Make your content useful and informative, not simply a pitch for your business. Consistent emails of this nature also build you as an expert in your field or industry.” - Chron

By delivering consistent value, reinforcing recognition, establishing a cadence, and optimizing for mobile users, you can deepen the connection with your subscribers and achieve higher engagement rates.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for an Unsubscribe

Surprising as it may sound, requesting people to unsubscribe can actually be beneficial. After investing time in nurturing your audience, tailoring messages specifically for them, and diligently analyzing relevant metrics, it becomes clear that inefficiently allocating resources towards disinterested customers is counterproductive.

“What matters is active customers, not how many people are on your email list. Some people unsubscribe from our emails on their own – but this number is few. On average less than 0.5% of us go to the trouble to find the unsubscribe link and click it.” - Andrews Wharton

Hence, it may seem counterintuitive at first, but asking people to unsubscribe can actually benefit your overall strategy. By proactively encouraging disinterested individuals to opt out, you allow yourself to focus your attention on those who genuinely engage with your brand and are more likely to convert into long-term customers. This process of elimination enables you to work more effectively and concentrate on nurturing relationships with individuals who truly align with your value propositions.
Remember, your goal is not merely to accumulate a vast number of subscribers, but rather to build a strong and engaged audience that actively supports your business. By refining your audience and focusing on high-quality interactions, you create an environment where your message is more likely to resonate, leading to higher conversion rates and overall success.

Get Engagement Metrics on the Right Track with Data Hygiene from AWI!

With data-driven project requirements, AWI is the proven data hygiene provider with a long-standing reputation for solving your toughest marketing challenges. 

Let’s work together to achieve your goals.

Success. Delivered.


Email Hygiene and Google’s 2024 Bulk Email Requirements


Email Data: Your Strategy’s Foundation