Email Hygiene and Google’s 2024 Bulk Email Requirements

The most valuable asset a business has is its client list. Engaging with your prospects, customers, and vendors is one of the oldest ways to stay top-of-mind. Granted, it’s not intuitive to everyone, but those who understand the value of maintaining relationships are rewarded with business. That’s just how it works. 

What’s the Challenge with Bulk Email in 2024?

The challenge, in this decade of privacy, is balancing junk emails and verified emails. Why? “Marketers ruin everything,” as Gary Vaynerchuk is famous for saying. We bribe new customers with an incentive. And the irony isn’t lost on us, since if you email us, we’ll send you our well-researched guide for Google’s 2024 Bulk Email Requirements.

The problem is that customers have become more savvy. Apple’s iOS allows customers to fill in lead forms with a masked email address. Almost everyone knows you can add “+junk” to your Gmail address to fill out forms. Some people even put in bad email addresses, download their coupon or freebee, and now you have a large email list with debatable validity.

With Google’s pending update on quality email addresses there’s no time for taking a break on your email hygiene — especially in Q4 2023. 

Why Do Quality Emails Matter?

Verified email addresses is the very definition of a high-quality email list. Without email hygiene you may be wasting time, effort, and marketing budget with an audience that simply isn’t there. Sure, your vanity metrics of “I have an email list of 40,000 people” may change. But think of the benefits.

Quality emails are good leads. This means that your open rate may increase (though, that’s not the best measure these days, but that’s another topic). More importantly, quality email recipients are more likely to be interested in your email. This means they’re more likely to click on your Call to Action.

A well written email campaign with a targeted CTA produces a better click rate and a higher conversion rate. That, my friend, is what you’re really after with your email list. 

But I’m Not Emailing Gmail Addresses

You may think that your email addresses are work emails – you know, emails with a proper domain – not However many companies use Google Workspace to handle their domain-owned email addresses.

Truthfully over 1.8 Billion people use Gmail. That’s over 20% of the entire world’s population. Think that’s a small number? In the US alone, Gmail holds 75% of the market share – 90% market share for startup businesses. 

As long as you’re the person in charge of delivering success, you have to pay attention to Google product updates. That is if you want your email campaigns delivered.

Google Bulk Email February 2024 Update

If you’re not an email nerd, reading Google’s 2024 Bulk Email Requirements may seem like a lot of techno-gobbledy-babble. But that’s why you have us – to translate it. And not only that, we will give you actionable steps to ensure that your email is validated, secure, and passes these requirements. 

“Many bulk senders don’t appropriately secure and configure their systems, allowing attackers to easily hide in their midst. To help fix that, we’ve focused on a crucial aspect of email security: the validation that a sender is who they claim to be.” Google 

Of course, AWI already meets each of Google’s 2024 Bulk Email Requirements. We’re here to help ensure your email campaigns aren’t hurt while Google cracks down on spammers. 

Get Your Gmail Update Checklist Today

Of course, great results start with clean data – verified emails. It goes without saying that we’re the go-to hygiene expert in the industry. But that’s not the only requirement to be enforced in 2024 by Google. We have a checklist for you.

Are you ready to *get your guide*?  Simply email us and we’ll get it to you right away. 

Success. Delivered.


Sustaining Email Engagement