Does Email Marketing Still Work in 2023? Yes, When It’s Actually Delivered.

You’ll see naysayers promoting the latest, greatest shiny tool all over the internet. Maybe SMS marketing is the way to go. Not that it isn’t useful. Or beacon marketing is the new growth marketing. Or, or, or. 

Don’t listen to the naysayers. Of course, email marketing still works in 2023. It’s used by every age demographic and on the daily – mobile and desktop. The only thing stopping email marketing from working for you is if it’s actually delivered. 

46% of emails are now opened on mobile devices, making it as much a mobile channel as anything else—and putting the pressure on marketers to ensure that the campaigns they’re sending resonate effectively on both platforms.” Braze

What do you mean? 

How many times have you seen a company just sit on a massive email list without ever sending an email? That’s okay. It’s never too late to launch a reengagement campaign.

The three most important email marketing tactics in 2023 are accurate, personal, and regular email campaigns. 

Deliver Email Campaigns Accurately

Delivering email campaigns to the right address is the first step in a successful campaign in 2023 or in 2013. Quality data and deliverability are foundational components of any lead gen strategy. Think of the tech layoffs that have happened in Q1 alone. Are any of the addresses that previously subscribed still accurate? 

This is why email hygiene is essential to a successful email marketing campaign in 2023. You take a shower every day, you change the oil in your car every 3,000 miles, and you change your home’s air filter two to six times a year. So why would you not clean your email lists on a regular basis?

“With AWI’s multi-faceted Hygiene process (Validation, Verification, Suppression), deliverability increases. Greater reach translates to improved performance.” Andrews Wharton

As a provider of high-quality data, we benchmark against other providers in the industry. Recently, a business partner tested AWI’s consumer email database against two other sources. They took known addresses with 25 years of resident history and found AWI’s coverage and accuracy, on average, is 35 basis points higher than its competition. That’s too good to miss out on!

Deliver Email Campaigns Personally

Personalizing email campaigns can be as simple as adding *|FNAME|* in Mailchimp, suggesting complementary products that Bill purchased in the next email, or wishing them a happy birthday or celebrating a new move

Email campaigns that aren’t personal or are written too formally, get scanned and trashed. That’s no bueno. You want people to receive your email, open it, and act. Whether that is a click to buy or a click to read, that is your engagement. 

Changes in privacy laws already changed how we have to view our ROI/key metrics for emails. Links are really the best action to measure. 

Deliver Email Campaigns Regularly

We talk to lots of enterprise clients excited about starting new email campaigns. Excitement is awesome, but it is consistency that wins the game. Whether you send marketing campaigns weekly, or when you’re having a flash sale, that constant pulse keeps your current and potential customers interested. 

Even customers who don’t open your emails, see it in their inbox. And, believe it or not, they may save your email for months. (You know you’ve done this. Just buy the pants already.)

"40% of consumers say they have at least 50 unread emails in their inbox.” (HubSpot, 2020)" 

Maybe you have several nurture campaigns going for each landing page and audience persona. Great. Those usually have an end. But what happens next? Are they dropped forever? Make sure that your email drip campaigns last as long as your sales cycle – to keep those customers interested. And, if you don’t know your sales cycle, it’s time to do some backtracking on data. Trust us, you’ll thank us later.

The Best Email Marketing Campaign is Delivered 

With demanding project requirements in 2023, Andrews Wharton is the proven direct-response solutions provider. We have a long-standing reputation for solving the toughest marketing challenges from audiences to deliverability

Success. Delivered.


What are the 4 Types of Email Marketing?


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