Improve Email Engagement for Your Retail Brand

There’s nothing like having a direct line to your customers like email marketing. Starting out in the inbox is a great way to approach the competitive retail landscape.

“59% of respondents said that marketing emails influence their purchase decisions, while just over 50% buy from marketing emails at least once a month.” - SalesCycle

Having a growing list of consumers is just the start. With countless promotional emails flooding consumers' email accounts, capturing and maintaining their attention becomes a challenging task. However, by implementing effective strategies to improve email engagement, you can increase customer interaction and drive sales in your retail business.

Segmentation is the Best Policy

Consumers are looking for a personalized experience. Segmentation is a powerful tool that enables retail email campaigns to be highly personalized and engaging.

By dividing the customer base into distinct groups based on the following data points, retailers can tailor their email content to meet the unique needs and interests of each segment:

  • Demographics: Data like gender and age can be a simple way to segment and tailor messaging to their unique experiences and interests.

  • Preferences: Segmenting by personal characteristics like a favorite type of morning drink or hobby helps your emails reach the inbox and stay there.

  • Behaviors: A consumers’ purchase history or current search efforts can be a great segment to send relevant emails as they are considering a new purchase.

Whether it's sending exclusive promotions to frequent buyers, product recommendations based on past purchases, or targeting specific age groups with relevant content, segmentation ensures that recipients receive emails that are individually relevant and compelling.

This personalized approach not only increases open and click-through rates, but also fosters customer loyalty and purchase intent, creating a deeper connection between the retailer and the customers.

“What happens when everyone develops an email marketing strategy? The average consumer is inundated with a vast amount of emails every day. To make your emails stand out, personalization in your email marketing has become a top priority to attain greater impact.” - Andrews Wharton

Ultimately, segmentation empowers retail email campaigns to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, resulting in enhanced engagement and ultimately, increased sales.

Verify Your List is Accurate

Verification plays a crucial role in enhancing email deliverability and engagement.

By verifying the sender's identity and validating the authenticity of the email, verification processes, such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance), ensure that only legitimate emails reach the recipient's inbox. These authentication mechanisms help in reducing the chances of emails being flagged as spam or phishing attempts, increasing the likelihood of successful delivery.

Moreover, when recipients see verified emails, they tend to have higher trust, leading to improved engagement rates, such as higher open and click-through rates.

Overall, verification not only strengthens the security aspect but also enhances the deliverability and engagement levels, cultivating better communication between senders and recipients.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for an Unsubscribe

Unsubscribes, often viewed as setbacks in email marketing, can actually serve as valuable allies in optimizing campaigns. While it may seem counterintuitive, unsubscribes provide an opportunity for businesses to refine their targeting strategies and improve overall engagement.

“If you can identify which people are interested in actually spending money, you maximize your email ROI.” - Andrews Wharton

By allowing recipients to easily unsubscribe, email marketers can weed out uninterested or disengaged subscribers, ensuring that their messages reach a more receptive audience. Analyzing the reasons behind unsubscribes can yield significant insights, helping marketers refine their content, frequency, or even the timing of their emails.

Embracing unsubscribes as a valuable feedback mechanism promotes healthier and more effective email marketing practices, ultimately leading to better long-term results.

Offer Incentives

By incorporating attractive perks into your email campaigns, you can effortlessly capture their attention and compel them to take action.

Whether it's a limited-time discount, a free gift with purchase, or exclusive access to an upcoming event, these incentives can act as irresistible fuel for engagement. Not only will the mere mention of a reward pique their interest, but it will also create a sense of urgency and make them eager to interact with your content.

Incorporate Automation for Triggered Events

Automation has become a game-changer in email marketing, especially when it comes to tackling cart abandonment and celebrating birthdays.

With advanced automation tools, businesses can create tailored and timely email campaigns that target customers who leave items in their online shopping carts without completing the purchase. By sending personalized follow-up emails with incentives like discounts or free shipping, companies can entice customers to come back and complete their transactions.

“Cart abandonment emails have a 39.07% open rate and a 23.33% click-through rate.” -HotJar

Similarly, automation allows marketers to send birthday greetings and exclusive offers to their subscribers, creating a sense of connection and making customers feel valued. By leveraging automation, businesses can streamline their email marketing efforts, boost customer engagement, and ultimately drive conversions.

Improve Every Email Metric with the Right Partner

Whether you're a small boutique or a multinational retailer, AWI’s Email Suite team is here to empower you to create compelling email campaigns that resonate with your target audience and maximize your business growth.

With demanding project requirements, Andrews Wharton is the proven direct-response solutions provider. We have a long-standing reputation for solving the toughest marketing challenges from audiences to deliverability

Success. Delivered.

Justin Mabee

Designer @Squarespace. 12 year web design veteran. 500+ projects completed. Memberships, Courses, Websites, Product Strategy and more.

What is Email Verification?


Top Email Marketing Challenges and How to Overcome Them