How Do I Add Another Email to My Contacts? Email Append!

The race to reach the consumer is on 24/7. From pounding the pavement to picking up the phone to organizing email marketing, the sales wheel keeps moving.

The hustle doesn’t stop – even after a conversion has been made.

But when it comes to email marketing, ever wish you had the right email for your contacts? Or an additional one?

A service called “Email Append” can deliver for you.

“Email Appending refers to the process of adding an email address to an email address to an existing database containing such data as name, phone number, physical address, etc.” -Techopedia


Why Email Appending?

A valid email list will help you work smarter, not harder. An email address is only as valuable as their accuracy.

If it’s been some time since you’ve taken a look at your list, there’s bound to be degradation occurring.

“Email marketing databases naturally degrade by about 22.5% every year” -Hubspot

From typos to people moving to fake email addresses – there are many reasons why data degrades.

Appending email addresses is the best way to add or correct emails within your database.


Is Email Append Necessary?

Since email retains the highest ROI versus other marketing channels (litmus link), you want to make sure you’re delivering to an active, accurate audience.

Save time and money for your business through the use of Email Append. These services typically:

1.      Reduce bounce rates

2.      Improve deliverability

3.      Increase engagement

You invest so much time into crafting the perfect message for your audience, why not spend the time looking at your biggest asset itself: your list.


AWI to the Rescue!

Whether you’ve never used Email Append services before or are looking for a new provider, AWI’s Email Suite is a dedicated team of experts ready to help your business succeed.

Launch your next campaign with AWI’s Email Append to maximize your opportunity for success.


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